Displaying items by tag: 2020

Annie Manhardt has published an article describing her efforts to advocate the early release from prison for her older clients. Her article is available on the website of the ABA Commission on Law & Aging which is publishing a series of articles on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on older adults. Annie was a 2018-2019 Borchard Fellow with the Vermont Prisoners' Rights Office where she is now a staff attorney.



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Mary Jane Ciccarello, the director of the Borchard Center on Law and Aging, has published an article in the Winter 2019-20, Volume 43, Number 4 issue of Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging. The special issue on Older Adults and Access to Justice was guest edited by Charles Sabatino who directs the American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging. Mary Jane's article, "The Self-Help Center of the Utah State Courts: An Essential Component of Access to Justice" is included in the issue's section on models that support better access to justice.

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The Albert and Elaine Borchard Foundation Board of Directors are pleased to announce the recipients of the Center on Law and Aging's 2020 Academic Research Grants. They are:

Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley and Katie Fitzpatrick, How to Incentivize Eligible Elderly to Take-Up SNAP Benefits

Nina Joyce, The Effect of Driving Cessation on Mental Health Outcomes and the Transition to Long-Term Care Among Community Dwelling Older Adults

Anna Muraco and Sylvia Zamora, Advance Care Planning Among Older Latinx Immigrants in Los Angeles

Lindsay Peterson, State Laws and Policies for the Protection of Older Adults in Natural Disasters

Click here for more information about the grant recipients and the Academic Research Grant program.

Congratulations to the 2020 grantees!

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The Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging Requests Proposals for 2020 Academic Research Grants

Legal, health sciences, social sciences, and gerontology scholars and professionals are invited to submit research proposals to The Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging. The objective of the Academic Research Grants Program is to further research and scholarship about new or improved public policies, laws, and/or programs that will enhance the quality of life for older adults, including those who are poor or otherwise isolated by language, culture, disability, lack of education, or other barriers.

Up to four grants of a maximum of $20,000 each will be awarded. The Center expects grantees to meet the objectives of the grant program through individual or collaborative research projects that analyze and recommend changes in one or more important existing public policies, laws, and/or programs relating to older; or, anticipate the need for and recommend new public policies, laws, and/or programs necessitated by changes in the number and demographics of the country’s and the world’s elder populations, by advances in science and technology, by changes in the health care system, or by other developments. It is expected that the research product will be publishable in a first-rate academic journal.

A detailed Request For Proposals can be accessed on the Center’s website, www.borchardcla.org. The on-line application form will be available after September 15, 2019. Applications should be submitted no later than October 15, 2019. Selections will be made on or about December 15, 2019. For more information, contact Catheryn Koss, .

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Three fellowships in law and aging are available for 2019-2020. The online application is available between March 15, 2019 and April 15, 2019. Interested applicants should submit the required online application by April 15, 2019. See our web page on the fellowships and our online application

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